New York City

New York City

New York City ist die Stadt mit der höchsten Einwohnerzahl in den USA und umfasst fünf Bezirke, die sogenannten boroughs:The Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens und Staten Island. Manhattan ist der bekannteste und bei Besuchern beliebteste Bezirk von New York City.

Mache eine kleine Tour durch den Stadtteil und besuche die berühmten Sehenswürdigkeiten von Manhattan:

Empire State Building

The Empire State Building is a 102 floors high skyscraper and one of the best known buildings in New York. It was designed by William F. Lamb and built from 1929 to 1931. For 40 years, from 1931 to 1972, the Empire State Building was the tallest building in the world. The observation decks on the 86th and 102nd floor offer an amazing view of the city.

Statue of Liberty

The Statue of Liberty is located on Liberty Island in New York Harbor. The sculpture was a gift to the United States by the People of France and became a symbol of freedom for immigrants.

New York City

New York CityBild v. links:, Edi, (slocummedia)

New York City

Central Park

Central Park is a public park in the centre of Manhattan. The park is a popular place of recreation for New Yorkers and a well-known sightseeing spot for tourists. Park visitors can relax on the grass or do sports. In summer the popular sports are running, jogging, bicycling, inline skating, even boating and horse riding. In the winter there is ice skating. Besides sports you can enjoy open-air theatre and concerts. Children take rides on the Central Park Carousel, play on playgrounds or visit the Central Park Zoo.

Ground Zero

Ground Zero is the area of the World Trade Center complex in Lower Manhattan that was destroyed after the September 11 attacks. Besides the new office buildings you will find there The National September 11 Memorial & Museum. The two Memorial pools next to the Museum contain the names of the 2,977 victims who were killed in the September 11 attacks.

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New York CityBild: bildunion GmbH (Christian Schierig)

New York City

New York City

Times Square

Times Square is a major crossing in Midtown Manhattan close to the famous Broadway Theater District. It is known for its many large ads and bright lights. The shops and restaurants on Times Square are open until midnight or even 24 hours.

Brooklyn Bridge

Built in 1883 the Brooklyn Bridge is one of the oldest suspension bridges in the United States. The bridge spans the East River and connects Manhattan with Brooklyn. It was designed by John Augustus Roebling, an engineer who immigrated to the United States from Germany.

New York CityBild: (Bayda127)

New York CityBild: (Ferenz)

New York City


Broadway is the oldest and longest street of New York City. It connects Manhattan with the Bronx. The most famous part of Broadway is the Theater District with many musicals and theatres.

Wall Street

A Street that connects Broadway and South Street running through the Financial District. The world’s largest stock exchange market is located nearby on Broad Street, a side street of Wall Street.

Staten Island Ferry

A public transport passenger ferry that connects the two boroughs Manhattan and Staten Island. Its route passes Liberty Island with a nice view of the Statue of Liberty and offers a fantastic sight at the Manhattan skyline. The journey takes about an hour both ways and is free of charge.

New York CityBild v. links:,, Makoto

New York CityBild: (Anthony Brown)

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