
Reisetagebuch Kalifornien

Stell dir vor, du machst eine Ferienreise nach Kalifornien und während der Reise möchtest du deine Erlebnisse in einem Reisetagebuch festhalten. Die Reiseroute führt von Los Angeles über die Nationalparks Death Valley und Yosemite bis nach San Francisco.


Los Angeles

Bilder v. links: iStockphoto.com (Dave5957), panthermedia.net/CreativePhotoSpain

Bei den Ausflügen hast du dir folgende Notizen gemacht:

Facts about Los Angeles

  • Nickname: City of Angels
  • Centre of the American film industry – you have to take the Universal Studios Tour, see the stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame and go along Sunset Boulevard
  • Mixed population: Whites, Hispanics, Asians, African-Americans, Native-Americans and Native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders

Hollywood Walk of Fame: Berühmter Gehweg in Los Angeles, auf dem derzeit über 2.500 Sterne eingelassen sind, mit denen Prominente aus der Unterhaltungsbranche geehrt werden.
Sunset Boulevard: Gilt als die bekannteste Straße in Los Angeles; führt von Downtown Los Angeles durch Hollywood nach Santa Monica und ist etwa 35 km lang.

Death Valley, Yosemite und Sequoia

Facts about the national parks Death Valley, Yosemite and Sequoia

Death Valley

  • Largest national park in California
  • Deserts, valleys, canyons and mountains
  • The highest point in the park is Telescope Peak; the lowest point is Badwater
  • Home to many plants and animals that can live in a desert climate – the desert wildlife


  • Oldest national park in California
  • Beautiful mountains and valleys in the Sierra Nevada mountains
  • Many wild animals live in the park, among them the American Black Bear


  • High mountains and deep canyons
  • Four of the largest trees can be found here, one of them, the General Sherman tree, is the largest (by volume) in the world
  • Highest point Mt. Whitney (14,494 feet)

Bild: dreamstime.com (Chrisstanley)

Bild: panthermedia.net (München/Hackemann, Joerg)

Bild: Alamy Stock Photo (Abingdon-Oxfordshire/SUNNYphotography.com)

San Francisco

Bild: bildunion GmbH (Jan-Dirk Hansen)

Facts about San Francisco

  • The famous sight of San Francisco, the Golden Gate Bridge, spans the Golden Gate – the opening of San Francisco into the Pacific Ocean
  • San Francisco has many hills. You can ride up and down the hills on one of the old cable cars. They have been used in San Francisco since 1873

Bild: alamy images (Arnold)

San Francisco

Facts about San Francisco

San Francisco has many parks but the biggest is Golden Gate National Recreation Area with Alcatraz Island and its famous prison (from 1933 until 1963). Alcatraz Island is open to tours.

Bild: fotolia.com (Chee-Onn Leong)

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