Stützwörter (prop words) one, ones
Mit one/ones kannst du ein Nomen ersetzen, das du vorher schon einmal verwendet hast. Diese beiden Wörter ermöglichen es dir, das vorher benutzte Nomen nicht noch einmal wiederholen zu müssen:
I can’t decide on a dress. Which dress do you like best?
I can’t decide on a dress. Whichonedo you like best?
I like these biscuits. The biscuits in the blue box.
I like these biscuits. Theonesin the blue box.
Wann benutzt du one, wann ones?
Das Wort one benutzt du, um zählbare Nomen im Singular zu ersetzen:
My train is cancelled. I will have to take the next train.
My train is cancelled. I will have to take the nextone.
Das Wort ones benutzt du, um zählbare Nomen im Plural zu ersetzen:
I need a new pair of trainers. I think I will buy these trainers.
I need a new pair of trainers. I think I will buy theseones.
Wo steht one/ones?
- Nach Adjektiven
We bought three suitcases, a big suitcase and two small suitcases.
We bought three suitcases, a big one and two small ones.
- Nach dem bestimmten Artikel „the“
I like these biscuits. The biscuits in the blue box.
I like these biscuits. The ones in the blue box.
- Nach dem Demonstrativpronomen „this, these“
I need a new pair of trainers. I think I will buy these trainers.
I need a new pair of trainers. I think I will buy these ones.
- Nach dem Fragewort „which?“
Here are the coats. Which coat is yours?
Here are the coats. Which one is yours?
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